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Hammers - Charitable running "Achieving the objectives!"

07 - August , 2016 On August 7 in Moscow in the territory of ENEA, show of drummers of Hammers has made a speech at opening of charitable running "Achieving the objectives!", the Day of the railroader and the 80 anniversary devoted to celebration from the date of foundation of public organization "The Russian sports society "Lokomotiv".

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Hammers - the 80 anniversary of ORUD-GAI-GIBDD

27 - June, 2016 The drum show "HAMMERS" at opening of the IX All-Russian competition of professional skill "The best by profession" in the nomination "The Best Inspector of Traffic Police", ORUD-GAI-GIBDD dated for the 80 anniversary, Domodedovo, the Vanguard stadium.

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18 - August, 2016 18 - August, 2016 the Drum show HAMMERS speaks at official opening the INTERNATIONAL SUMMER EXTREME SPORTS COMPETITIONS "the RUSSIAN EXTREME CALL / RUSSIAN X-CHALLENGE", the Patriot Park.

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Hammers - Day of the Chemist Uzlovaya Tula region

3 - June, 2016 On June 3 at Lenin Square to the uzlovchena have celebrated the Day of workers of chemical industry. The holiday was organized by JSC Plastik. The ensemble of drummers of HAMMERS which has managed to load with energy and a positive of the audience uzlovchena opened an official part. The sea of positive emotions and a tornado of applause have caused intricate rhythms of percussion.

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